See us at our new address: 1224 Sykes Street 2024-2025 Season starts Monday, Sept 9th
See us at our new address: 1224 Sykes Street 2024-2025 Season starts Monday, Sept 9th
2022-2023 Season Info!
When initially signing up your child for the year, payment is due at time of registration to hold your class spot you have chosen.
There is an annual membership registration fee of $40 with initial setup. This helps offset expenses such as insurance, chalk, repairs, and maintenance to keep our athletes safe and class cost the lowest in southern Minnesota.
If you have more than one child gaining membership at our club, the annual one-time fee is reduced to $10 for each additional child.
Tuition is due by the 10th of each month. Payments made after the 10th will incur a $5 late fee. If payment is not made by the next due date, parents will be notified of the past due balance. If payment is not made within 60 days, the child will be dropped from the class. Payment plans are available for all families.
Once a month we host a makeup day for kids who have missed class for any reason. Makeup class is held on the 3rd Friday of each month, and signups are done through email sent to families, and responding if you would like to attend. If a certain makeup day does not work for your family, you can always sign up for the next month or after. Makeup classes do not need to be done by a certain month, you can pick whichever makeup day that works best for your family.
If the club is closed due to weather, we will utilize these Friday makeup days as well.
If the Friday falls on a date/holiday we are closed, we move to the Friday before or after in that month. See makeup dates on Home Page.
A full refund may be obtained at ALGC if your child ends up not being able to participate in the program. If your child attends one class, refund will be 75% of full amount paid, 50% for two classes, etc. Club member registration fee is fully refundable if your child attends less than one month. Once your gymnast has started the program, and if you decide to prepay, then after request for withdraw is received, a refund for overpayment will be given. If you as a parent do not notify our club of dropping a class, you will still incur monthly tuition. We as a organization do not know every families circumstance, and out of respect for you, will only offer your child's spot to another gymnast on waiting list when you notify us of disenrollment or there is non-payment for 45 days.
The ALGC will charge a $25 fee for cost of a returned check. If you do not contact our office within 72 hours for other payment options, the account will be turned over the local collection bureau and your child's space will be terminated immediately. If a check is returned for insufficient funds, future payments will only be accepted in the form of credit card, cash or money order.
Albert Lea Gymnastics Club recognizes that children and their families may be in multiple sports or activities. We like to help offset that by offering fundraisers for gymnasts to help pay for their tuition. Fundraisers are typically offered every other month and you can raise as much or as little as you like. Funds are appropriated into gymnasts accounts as a credit. Funds are used for tuition, and cannot be used for apparel or parties.
Albert Lea Area Schools offers tiger funds for families who may have a financial hardship. Depending on circumstance they may pay for one month or many more. They send checks directly to our office. This is done through school social worker, and takes about 5 minutes to apply.